Monday, June 27, 2011

This Week

Thanks to Jake, the awesome finance director on the campaign, I will not be working out of the office this week.  I am currently in my 5th and final week of the worst class I've ever had.  It has ruled my life, more or less, for the past month.  Jake, my boss, said I can concentrate on finishing my other class this week rather than come into the office.

I will still be interning, though.  From home, I can enter contributions into our database, research potential donors, and work on many other projects.  For example, today I stopped by the office and picked up a bundle of contributions to enter into the database.  I also brought home about 100 thank-you letters, signed by Greg, that need to be stuffed into envelopes, addressed, stamped, and mailed.  (Side note:  it is very important that contributions are acknowledged promptly with a thank-you letter from the candidate.  It is a show of gratitude but also it is looked upon by many as a sign that a campaign is running smoothly and efficiently.)

Although I probably won't work my normal hours this week I will definitely still be helping the campaign.  My hope is that I will also be able to finish my class.

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