Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Endorsement from Rep. Ed Pastor

Today, U.S. Representative Ed Pastor endorsed Greg Stanton's candidacy for Mayor of Phoenix.  This is great news for the campaign.  Rep. Pastor is quite popular with the local labor and Hispanic communities and has a long record of service to his constituents in Phoenix.  Rep. Pastor is the most senior member of Arizona's House delegation. 

Here is the campaign's press release regarding this important endorsement:

Congressman Cites Vision, Leadership as Making Stanton Ideal Candidate for Mayor
PHOENIX, Ariz. - U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor (Ariz. 4th Dist.) today announced his endorsement of Greg Stanton to be the next mayor of Phoenix at a press conference held at the headquarters of the Stanton for Mayor campaign.

“Greg Stanton is the best choice to build a strong future for the people of the city of Phoenix,” said Congressman Pastor. “He has a clear vision for this city based on bringing high-wage jobs to the area, building excellent public schools, and strengthening neighborhoods – and he has the experience and strength of character needed to get the job done.”

“Greg and I have worked together on a wide range of projects, from improving education, to creating accessible and efficient public transportation. I am proud to endorse Greg in his campaign for Mayor of Phoenix, and look forward to continuing our work together to strengthen this great city,” Pastor added.

“I am proud to receive Congressman Pastor’s support,” said Stanton. “No one has done more to support the people of our city. His long record of fighting for excellent public education, strong neighborhoods and the culture and diversity that make the City of Phoenix great is an inspiration to me. As your next mayor, I will continue to work with the Congressman to bring skilled, high-wage jobs to the City and to ensure that the City of Phoenix receives every federal dollar it should for programs from transportation to public safety.”

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