Monday, June 6, 2011


This summer I will be interning with Greg Stanton's campaign for Mayor of the City of Phoenix.  I am an MPA student and should be finished with my degree this summer.  My work history is a mixture of banking and political campaigns and my goal is to earn my degree and transition (i.e., find a job) into the public sector.  I don't have a strong interest in any particular area but it's probably better that way because I am fully expecting to have to take an entry-level public sector position (if I can get one) in this job market.  I am open to whatever opportunity becomes available and my primary focus is becoming a public servant.

I began my time on the campaign in May; this is my fifth week.  The work that I have done so far deals primarily with fundraising.  I work with the contributions (checks, cash, and credit/debit card), the database (NGP), the VAN (Voter Activation Network).  I also interact with contributors on the phone and at fundraising events, research potential donors, and make sure that thank-you letters from the candidate are sent. 

While I haven't worked on a Mayor's race before, I have worked in campaign fundraising and a lot of what I have done is familiar.  I really enjoy campaign work, especially the "behind the scenes" duties.  I also feel most comfortable in the campaign work setting because everyone (staff, interns, volunteers...the candidate) is focused on a common goal:  electing someone to office whom we are confident will do a great job once elected. 

What makes it even better is that this candidate, Greg Stanton, is a public servant who would have my support even if I weren't doing this internship.  He is experienced and very well-prepared to be Mayor of Phoenix and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to be a part of the effort to help him win this election and earn credit for my MPA at the same time. 


  1. Hi Lisa, it sounds like you will be very busy this summer. Political campaigns are a lot of work, but are rewarding in the end. I'm sure you will develop a great network for the future.

  2. Good luck! Fundraising for a political campaign can be tough work. I'm interested in seeing what you learn.

  3. Best of Luck to you and the candidate, this is the big ticket race this year so lets make it a good one!

  4. Who are some other people running against your campaign?

  5. Wes Gullett, Peggy Neeley, Claude Mattox, and Jennifer Wright are also running for mayor.
