Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Own Worst Enemy

Inevitably, it seems, I reach a point in every class I take when I feel like I am not capable of doing whatever it is that needs to be done.  It's some sort of weird mental block.  I sit and stare at my work or maybe try to organize it.  Maybe I'll even write a list.  When I don't progress I get annoyed and then anxious about how little time I have left.  Somehow, I eventually reach a point where my brain kicks in and I am able to complete my work but it's like pulling teeth. 

I am totally in that state right now...as in, right this minute.  I am in a truly difficult class with a final due by Friday and I feel stuck and with no idea how I will pull this together.  I don't have all of the journal articles I need but I'm almost afraid to look for more because I don't think I will be able to find any more (after initially approving my topic during the 2nd week of class, my professor expressed concern with my choice during the 4th week of class....but that's just par for the course in that class).  I just thought I'd vent a little since I'm not currently making progress on my final. 

(OK...breathe...inhale....exhale...)  I can do this!!!


  1. Program evaluation, right? I am with you... It's too difficult to finish a 20 pages' paper in less than 2 weeks...And we get intern to do at the same time...Good luck to both of us...

  2. I will be soooo relieved when this class is over! Good luck to you, too! We can do it! (Who needs sleep anyway?) ;)

  3. wonder what class you're talking about... I quite literally stacked WA 3 on WA 2 and added the stages headings.

  4. That's what I'm going to do. I've wasted so much time getting bogged down in all of the various instructions. I should know better...I could have been done by now. But it's difficult to fight the urge to do a good job. I'm sure you can relate!

    By the way, my survey is done!

  5. It sounds like a tough class.
