Monday, June 6, 2011

Information on the Phoenix Mayoral Election

I thought I would share some general information about the upcoming election for Mayor of Phoenix:
  • This is a non-partisan race (although the political party of candidates is usually known).
  • The Mayor of Phoenix serves a four-year term and is termed out after eight years.  The current Mayor, Phil Gordon, is termed out.
  • Election day is Tuesday, August 30, 2011.
  • There are several candidates in this race.  If no single candidate earns a simple majority, a runoff will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 between the two candidates with the most votes.
  • Candidates for Mayor of Phoenix must raise funds to finance their campaigns; this race is not eligible for Clean Elections funding.  The maximum that an individual can contribute is $430 and a couple can contribute $860 total.  PACs (Political Action Committees) can also contribute, but only $430.
  • If you are not registered to vote but would like to be, you can register online:
  • You must be a resident of Phoenix to vote in this election.
There's a lot more information but I will save it for future posts...(oooh, a cliffhanger)!!


  1. I always enjoy a good cliffhanger!

  2. waiting for your future posts~~~~~~~~~~

  3. Ive watched Mr. Stanton participate in several recent debates and I must say he is quite articulate. I am looking forward to hearing about your summer.

  4. I agree with Josh. Mr. Stanton is a talented public speaker. I was wondering why his campaign posters look like they ripped of the metro symbol?

  5. I've seen Mr Stanton doing public speach once. He is a really good public speaker.
