Thursday, June 30, 2011

Need a Few More Posts

Well, I need a few more posts for my internship blog, so here goes one more...

Since I'm not working in the office this week I haven't done a whole lot of work but I do go in every day to pick up checks that need to be entered.  I also sent out a bunch of signed thank you letters.  I think I mentioned that in a previous post, though.

Officially, my internship runs through the end of August but I have committed to staying on with the campaign until the end.  Because there are so many candidates, there will more than likely be a runoff election in November (the first election is August 30).  I am confident, (as are many other people who have far more knowledge and experience than I), that Greg Stanton will be in the runoff.  That means about 5 additional weeks of campaigning and fund raising.

The most exciting time on a campaign is the lead up to election day--especially if there is a primary AND a general election.  It is fast-paced and intense, but really cool (for lack of a better word).  I will be glad when school is over (my last class is second summer session) and I can dedicate myself full-time to Greg's campaign.  He is going to be a GREAT Mayor of Phoenix and I'm happy to be a part of getting him into that office!!

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