Monday, June 13, 2011


Today, like most days, I'm working on various projects.  I started the day entering new contributions into the database. 

It is essential that contributions are entered quickly, correctly, and with certain pieces of information.  Political campaigns are legally required to file finance reports with government offices.  These reports document contributions and expenditures and must be accurate and thorough.  There are many reasons why it is important for a campaign to be accurate in their finance reports but I would say that two of the most important reasons are that 1. it's the law and, 2. it allows for transparency (the contribution reports are public record and available online for all to see). 

For finance reporting purposes we need at least the name, address, and employer and occupation (if any) of the contributor.  We also must make sure that an individual does not contribute more than is legally allowed for that particular race ($430 for the mayor's race).  For campaign purposes we also like to have the contributor's phone number and email address so that we have the ability to provide campaign updates to the supporter and also to ask for additional support (another contribution and/or volunteer help).

I enjoy entering contributions, making sure that the database is accurate, and doing research to find any missing information.  I also enjoy seeing money come into the campaign because I know that Greg Stanton is doing well in the race for Mayor of Phoenix.

The next report is due June 30, 2011. 


  1. Why do you need the employer, and occupation for contributors? It seems like name and address would be sufficient.

  2. I remember these good ole days... Spread Sheets galore.

    Crunch time around CFR deadlines are intense though. BEST OF LUCK!

  3. You have an important job, keep up the good work!

  4. Wow, political campaign....reminds me of the lobbying discussion last semester on the course "Public Affairs".....

  5. I think contributions are the most amazing part of the campaigns.
