Friday, July 1, 2011

San Diego, Here I Come

I will be heading to San Diego this holiday weekend to visit my brother  and spend some time on the beach.  I'm very excited to see him and his fiance he proposed to her earlier this month).  I am also really looking forward to seeing water, waves, sand, and fireworks!  It's been a couple of years since I've seen the ocean.

The timing of this little trip in perfect.  We leave the day after I FINALLY finish the class from...well-you know, and just before the LAST class of my MPA begins.  I will be taking PAF 509 as an intensive during the second session of summer school.  A trip to the ocean and to see my brother will be a nice way to relax in between my final two classes as an MPA student.

(Just hope traffic's not too bad!)  :)

Finance Report (Exciting News)

The deadline to file the campaign finance report with the City of Phoenix was June 30 (for the fund raising period of 1/1/11-5/31/11), so all of the numbers are in.  Greg Stanton out-raised all of his competitors! 

Greg raised more than $250,000, former Councilwoman Peggy Neely raised about $167,000, Councilman Claude Mattox raised about $150,000 and candidate Wes Gullett pulled in about $116,000.

Money is one of THE most important elements of a campaign.  It helps to pay for qualified staff, supplies, commercials, signs, letters, door hangers, etc.  Basically, the more money a campaign has, the louder and broader their message and (hopefully) more voters will turn out and vote for your candidate.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Need a Few More Posts

Well, I need a few more posts for my internship blog, so here goes one more...

Since I'm not working in the office this week I haven't done a whole lot of work but I do go in every day to pick up checks that need to be entered.  I also sent out a bunch of signed thank you letters.  I think I mentioned that in a previous post, though.

Officially, my internship runs through the end of August but I have committed to staying on with the campaign until the end.  Because there are so many candidates, there will more than likely be a runoff election in November (the first election is August 30).  I am confident, (as are many other people who have far more knowledge and experience than I), that Greg Stanton will be in the runoff.  That means about 5 additional weeks of campaigning and fund raising.

The most exciting time on a campaign is the lead up to election day--especially if there is a primary AND a general election.  It is fast-paced and intense, but really cool (for lack of a better word).  I will be glad when school is over (my last class is second summer session) and I can dedicate myself full-time to Greg's campaign.  He is going to be a GREAT Mayor of Phoenix and I'm happy to be a part of getting him into that office!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

About the Candidate

If you live in the City of Phoenix (or not) and are interested in finding out more about Greg Stanton (in advance of the mayoral election on 8/30/11), here is some information about his background:

Greg Stanton grew up in west Phoenix, and his parents still live in the same home. After attending Phoenix public schools, he graduated from Marquette University and law school at the University of Michigan. He returned to Phoenix and practiced law for several years before being appointed to the Phoenix City Council in 2000. In 2001 and again in 2005, he won re-election with an overwhelming majority of the vote.  He and his wife Nicole, a prominent local attorney who is the recipient of the YWCA business leadership award, married in 2005 and have two young children.

The campaign website is

Endorsement from Rep. Ed Pastor

Today, U.S. Representative Ed Pastor endorsed Greg Stanton's candidacy for Mayor of Phoenix.  This is great news for the campaign.  Rep. Pastor is quite popular with the local labor and Hispanic communities and has a long record of service to his constituents in Phoenix.  Rep. Pastor is the most senior member of Arizona's House delegation. 

Here is the campaign's press release regarding this important endorsement:

Congressman Cites Vision, Leadership as Making Stanton Ideal Candidate for Mayor
PHOENIX, Ariz. - U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor (Ariz. 4th Dist.) today announced his endorsement of Greg Stanton to be the next mayor of Phoenix at a press conference held at the headquarters of the Stanton for Mayor campaign.

“Greg Stanton is the best choice to build a strong future for the people of the city of Phoenix,” said Congressman Pastor. “He has a clear vision for this city based on bringing high-wage jobs to the area, building excellent public schools, and strengthening neighborhoods – and he has the experience and strength of character needed to get the job done.”

“Greg and I have worked together on a wide range of projects, from improving education, to creating accessible and efficient public transportation. I am proud to endorse Greg in his campaign for Mayor of Phoenix, and look forward to continuing our work together to strengthen this great city,” Pastor added.

“I am proud to receive Congressman Pastor’s support,” said Stanton. “No one has done more to support the people of our city. His long record of fighting for excellent public education, strong neighborhoods and the culture and diversity that make the City of Phoenix great is an inspiration to me. As your next mayor, I will continue to work with the Congressman to bring skilled, high-wage jobs to the City and to ensure that the City of Phoenix receives every federal dollar it should for programs from transportation to public safety.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Own Worst Enemy

Inevitably, it seems, I reach a point in every class I take when I feel like I am not capable of doing whatever it is that needs to be done.  It's some sort of weird mental block.  I sit and stare at my work or maybe try to organize it.  Maybe I'll even write a list.  When I don't progress I get annoyed and then anxious about how little time I have left.  Somehow, I eventually reach a point where my brain kicks in and I am able to complete my work but it's like pulling teeth. 

I am totally in that state right in, right this minute.  I am in a truly difficult class with a final due by Friday and I feel stuck and with no idea how I will pull this together.  I don't have all of the journal articles I need but I'm almost afraid to look for more because I don't think I will be able to find any more (after initially approving my topic during the 2nd week of class, my professor expressed concern with my choice during the 4th week of class....but that's just par for the course in that class).  I just thought I'd vent a little since I'm not currently making progress on my final. 

(OK...breathe...inhale....exhale...)  I can do this!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

This Week

Thanks to Jake, the awesome finance director on the campaign, I will not be working out of the office this week.  I am currently in my 5th and final week of the worst class I've ever had.  It has ruled my life, more or less, for the past month.  Jake, my boss, said I can concentrate on finishing my other class this week rather than come into the office.

I will still be interning, though.  From home, I can enter contributions into our database, research potential donors, and work on many other projects.  For example, today I stopped by the office and picked up a bundle of contributions to enter into the database.  I also brought home about 100 thank-you letters, signed by Greg, that need to be stuffed into envelopes, addressed, stamped, and mailed.  (Side note:  it is very important that contributions are acknowledged promptly with a thank-you letter from the candidate.  It is a show of gratitude but also it is looked upon by many as a sign that a campaign is running smoothly and efficiently.)

Although I probably won't work my normal hours this week I will definitely still be helping the campaign.  My hope is that I will also be able to finish my class.