Friday, July 1, 2011

San Diego, Here I Come

I will be heading to San Diego this holiday weekend to visit my brother  and spend some time on the beach.  I'm very excited to see him and his fiance he proposed to her earlier this month).  I am also really looking forward to seeing water, waves, sand, and fireworks!  It's been a couple of years since I've seen the ocean.

The timing of this little trip in perfect.  We leave the day after I FINALLY finish the class from...well-you know, and just before the LAST class of my MPA begins.  I will be taking PAF 509 as an intensive during the second session of summer school.  A trip to the ocean and to see my brother will be a nice way to relax in between my final two classes as an MPA student.

(Just hope traffic's not too bad!)  :)

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